Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Brenda A.: "What is a bizarre coincidence that has happened to you?"

[Transcript below.]

Probably the most bizarre coincidence I've ever experienced was this: Back in the heyday of chat rooms, in late 1999 or early 2000, I was hanging out in a Yahoo book chat when another user kept popping in and popping out, obviously having some sort of technical difficulty. They asked for help, and no one else offered, so I messaged them offering my assistance, and whatever the glitch had been — I can't even recall now — was quickly sorted.

This person happened to be an Englishman from Nottingham named Paul. We ended up chatting regularly and soon became friends. The bizarre coincidence we discovered, however, is that his best friend whom he'd known since childhood had moved to Chicago, where I was living at the time, and was working as a DJ at a club that was directly across from my flat. Not just in the same neighborhood; not on the same street; but literally across the street.

Small world, they say. Too true! The world has never felt quite as small as that.

Anyway. We've long since lost touch, but not before we had a wonderful visit in Chicago, and, later, Iain and I made a trip to Nottingham, where Paul taught us the Nottingham Forest Football Club fan chant. Obviously.

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