Having learned absolutely nothing from the election, MSNBC is airing an empty podium, waiting for Trump to speak at CPAC. Naturally, it's accompanied by a chyron treating seriously Trump's deeply unserious proposal to prevent gun violence in schools. pic.twitter.com/zsCVBNDomJ
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) February 23, 2018
The CPAC conference has always been a disgusting parade of the most loathsome conservative bigots, but it's now become such a straight-up Nazified nightmare, I'm not sure there's a convincing argument to cover it, even despite the president and vice-president making appearances.
At minimum, the CPAC conference should not be covered uncritically — its speakers just broadcast without commentary. If there is to be coverage, it should be carefully structured and bookended with informed, expert analysis that places the threats to a pluralistic, democratic society in their proper context.
Lingering on Trump's empty podium in preparation for his address, which will be a full-tilt nightmare of vile lies and dangerous advocacies, is the precise opposite of what a responsible press outlet should be doing.
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