Dudley is a very enthusiastic eater, despite what his virtually two-dimensional physique suggests. He gobbles down his breakfast with gusto, and then spends the rest of his day punctuating naps with increasingly elaborate demands for a variety of treats, until it's time for dinner.
This morning, he got pumpkin mixed in with his dry food, which he loves. (And is very good for finicky greyhound digestive systems.)
Zelda, on the other hand, is an equally unenthusiastic eater, despite what her round belly suggests. Her belly is round in part because that's a feature of Cushing's Disease, the medication she takes for which somewhat suppresses her appetite. But she was never a great eater to begin with — and she absolutely refuses to eat until everyone else (Dudley and the cats) have gotten their breakfast.
She was actually just yawning here, lol, but the photo nonetheless captured her sentiment about breakfast this morning.
Once every few meals, she stands at her bowl and eats like she hasn't eaten in three million years. Often she simply lies down beside her dish and won't eat at all (which isn't good, since food helps her meds metabolize). And then some days, she lies beside her breakfast watching Dudley and/or the cats eat...
...and will finally overcome her protest and lazily eat her breakfast from the floor, while I suppress my laughter at her adorable antics.
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