Gary Cohn Jumps Ship to Dogwhistled Anti-Semitism

Gary Cohn, Donald Trump's chief economic adviser, announced yesterday that he is resigning.

While the White House insisted there wasn't a single factor behind Cohn's resignation (as if that makes it better), Cohn threatened to leave last week if Trump launched a trade war, and then Trump went and launched a trade war, so.

[Content Note: Anti-Semitism]

On his way out the door, Cohn was wished a fond farewell (cough) by Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney:

At the Week, Peter Weber notes:
Cohn is Jewish, and "the term 'globalist' has also been used as an anti-Semitic dog whistle and echoes pernicious anti-Jewish conspiracy theories," explains Ben Sales at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

"For the far right, globalism has long had distinct xenophobic, anti-immigrant, and anti-Semitic overtones," adds Liam Stack at his "glossary of extremist language" in The New York Times. "It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open borders, diversity, and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity, and the traditional culture of their own country."
Fuck this entire reprehensible administration.

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