Last night, it was really cold in our bedroom. The kind of cold that makes the sheets feel like ice when you first crawl into bed.
Because the only other option was moving the thermostat up one degree and turning our bedroom into an unbearable hotbox, I decided to keep on my t-shirt and put on a pair of leggings before I crawled into bed.
I was wearing my NASA t-shirt at the time, and the top pair of leggings in the drawer were my super neato space leggings.
As I quickly pulled them over my legs, I exclaimed to Iain: "I was already wearing my NASA shirt and then I grabbed my space leggings!"
He was already in bed, the covers pulled up to his chin. His head appeared disembodied as he affectionately scowled at me.
"You look like a teen star nerd," he said.
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