Noting my most recent act of self-care was new shoes, Shaker (and self-described "power lurker," lol) Ellie requests, which I'm sharing with her permission: "I love the Fat Fashion and Makeup Threads. Could we have a shoe-love thread, too?"
Listen, the news is tough, and we all need moments of escape from the horror to recuperate and prepare for the next onslaught, and I can talk about shoes all the livelong day, so clearly the answer is yes!
Got a favorite pair of shoes you want to share? Bought a new pair about which you're super excited? Have a recommendation to make, or want to caution us away from a purchase you regret? Want to solicit suggestions for a specific event, a foot issue, an elusive something for which you've been hunting? Having trouble finding something particular on a budget? Have at it in comments!
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I was looking for the perfect pair of shoes in the perfect shade of yellow for a very long time, and recently I finally found them!
I almost never buy heels over 2.5 inches, but these were precisely the yellow for which I'd been searching — and they were only $23, via Amazon. So it was worth a shot. And I've only worn them once so far, for a short outing that did not include a whole lot of walking, but they were very comfortable the whole time. Yay!
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