The Oscars Thread

image of Frances McDormand onstage during her Oscar acceptance speech
Best Actress: Frances McDormand

[Content Note: Misogynist violence]

I didn't watch the Oscars last night, because I was annoyed that Gary Oldman, who has been accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife, and Kobe Bryant, who has been accused of rape, were even nominated, and I didn't want to see them win, and of course both of them did. As did Guillermo del Toro, who has publicly supported and defended Roman Polanski.

#TimesUp or whatever, amiright?

Anyway. Variety has the complete list of winners. I am glad that Jordan Peele won Best Original Screenplay, because I liked Get Out and I like him.

I like all the actors besides Oldman who won acting awards, but I'm annoyed that it was another all-white-winners year in the acting categories.

The only acceptance speech I watched today was Frances McDormand's, because I knew she'd have something interesting to say, and indeed she did, standing on the stage with no (or very little) makeup and her fancy gown, calling on all the nominated women in the room to stand up and then saying, "Look around, everybody. Look around, ladies and gentlemen, because we all have stories to tell and projects we need financed. Don't talk to us about it at the parties tonight. Invite us into your office in a couple days, or you can come to ours, whichever suits you best, and we'll tell you all about them. I have two words to leave with you tonight. Ladies and gentlemen: inclusion rider."

That's all I got. Did you watch? What did you think?

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