[Content Note: Guns.]
Look, I didn't want to have to tell you that this thing exists, but, unfortunately, Fannie alerted me to the fact that it exists, so now you're just going to have to deal with the fact that I can't keep living a normal life without talking about its existence until my brain doesn't feel like exploding anymore.
It's like truck nuts, but for your assault rifle. COOL.
If there is an inanimate thing that could be said to be the exact opposite of me, this is it.
Opposite, antithesis, nemesis.
I have a pretty clear picture of the sort of person who would purchase this item, and it's exactly as unfair as you'd expect.
The truth is, there's nothing I can say with absolute certainty about anyone who would purchase a set of gunballs except this: I don't want to be in the same room with them. Ever.
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