I am again participating in the #365feministselfie project, now in its fifth year, and promised a thread for others to share selfies and/or talk about the project, visibility generally, self-apprecation, and related topics. So here is a thread for Week 15!
A few of my selfies over the last week:
These crows feet are coming in nicely. I was always eager to get them, even when I was very young, because I love lines around the eyes on other people. Older people would tell me I won't want them anymore once I started to get them myself. They were wrong. I love every one of these lines.
Wearing one of my unicorn t-shirts for National Unicorn Day on April 9, because yes I am just an adult woman with multiple unicorn t-shirts.
LOLOLOL my goggle eyes! The goggle-ring is even worse in person than it appears in this photo. I swear these goggles are gonna suck my eyeballs right outta my head.
Please feel welcome and encouraged to share your own selfies in comments, or share your thoughts on the project, or solicit encouragement or advice, or do whatever else feels best for you to participate, if you are inclined to do so!
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