Bossert Out, Reportedly at Bolton's Request

Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert, who was one of the few remaining people in the Trump administration that even people who disagreed with him about everything tended to view as a serious and level-headed patriot, is out on his ass.

And I suspect the reason Donald Trump happily agreed to this is because Bossert may have taken issue with Trump essentially delegating all foreign policy decisions to John Bolton.

Remember, Trump explicitly wanted a vice-president who "would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy," leaving Trump free to "Make America great again," whatever that means on any given day. And Pence has filled that role with gusto, being the tiebreaking vote in the Senate to hurt women; taking charge on rescinding access to healthcare; trying to kill democracy across the nation; bring back the conscience clause on a national level; and being a shameless liar, among other favored pursuits.

And although Pence is also an eager saber-rattler, he's really got his hands full waging the culture wars on the domestic front.

So it looks like Trump, who last night mentioned (complained?) that he's "been president now for what seems like a lengthy period of time," is ready to empower Bolton to lead the charge on foreign policy, which is terrifying.

Nero Trump just wants to fiddle play golf while Rome everything burns. And he doesn't even have the energy to light the match himself.

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