I'm feeling extremely anxious about what the horrendo nightmare duo of Donald Trump and John Bolton are going to do in Syria, and how the press will jerk off about how "presidential" it is no matter what, and what the reverberating global ramifications could be.
I'm feeling extremely anxious that cyberattacks on U.S. gas pipeline operators, which have barely gotten any mention in the media, are a shot over the bow threatening to disrupt our food supply.
I'm feeling extremely anxious about a whole lot of things, really, and although those two are topping the list right now, the leaderboard can change from moment to moment.
Basically, for a person who really, really hates seeing people hurt, the Trump administration is a relentless nightmare.
It takes a whole lot of processing to not let myself be overwhelmed by anxiety and anger while sitting in politics all day every day, with very few opportunities to truly look away and fully disengage my mind, and I'm tired of just the emotional energy it takes to retain some semblance of emotional stability.
But to not care isn't an option for me. Apathy is not part of my constitution. For good and bad.
And so, she persists.
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