[Part One.]
Last night, ABC aired George Stephanopoulos' interview with James Comey. [Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] Here is the complete transcript. I didn't watch it, but I did read the transcript, and hoo boy.
I could spent the next six hours deconstructing all of Comey's bullshit, but, honestly, I don't think I will convince anyone who believes he's a hero that he isn't one, and I believe anyone who reads the transcript or watches the interview with the intent to hear what he's actually saying, as opposed to what we may want to hear, will come away with a pretty clear picture of who James Comey really is, irrespective of whether what he says about Donald Trump occasionally intersects with one's own opinions.
Comey comes across in the interview as every bit the self-interested, ass-covering, sanctimonious prig I have always found him to be. He clearly has problems with women in positions of leadership. His privilege is as unexamined as it is undiluted. And no one who is himself rigorously honest talks so goddamn much about "the truth" and what a liar everyone else is.
He's positioning himself as the arbiter of "truth," and I don't trust his method, since the "truth" according to James Comey always, always, finds him in the right, with nary a decision for which he should be held accountable.
Even and especially affecting the outcome of an election.
Anyway. Discuss.
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