The following story, which Bell told on a recent visit to Ellen, is one of my favorite stories of all time (and OMG Ellen's birthday party sounds amaaaaaaazing!):
Ellen Degeneres: Hi, adorable Kristen Bell.I could not stop laughing at this, because OMG the well-meaning husband who just wants to participate, but THAT IS NOT THE VIBE, MAN.
Kristen Bell: Hiiiiii!
Ellen: You look beautiful.
Kristen: Thanks! So do you!
Ellen: You look so pretty. Tell me what's going on with you. The last time I saw you, you were at my birthday party.
Kristen: YES! Your birthday party was SO FUN!
Ellen: Wasn't it fun?
Kristen: It was so much fun! There was a very nice dance floor — AND I'd like to thank you, 'cause I had one of the best moments of my life.
Ellen: What?
Kristen: Well, you know, it was a real— I got there, and it was a real who's who; it was very exciting. And I was on the dance floor— Melissa McCarthy started the dance floor—
Ellen: Yes she did.
Kristen: —demanded that everyone dance. And you listen when she talks to you! And I was just kind of casually getting into it, and all of a sudden I see, in a little settee to the side, JLo, like, looking like JLo, right? So elegant! And then she just goes— [mimes JLo pointing at her, then pointing back at herself] And I was like— [mimes looking around to make sure JLo was pointing at her] She gets up! We start dancing together! I'm FREAKING OUT! I'm like: I'm dancing with JLo! I'm dancing with JLo! I'm like hitting her butt— [audience laughter] It's amazing! She didn't mind; it's consensual! But then— [slumps back in seat] My husband sees, and he came over, and he kinda cockblocked me.
[audience laughter, as Kristen looks totally dejected]
Ellen: No!
Kristen: Sorry, he did. But he was — I'm sure from his perspective, he was like, "My wife's dancing with JLo! That's so cool!" And he came over, and he's— [mimes his trying to dance excitedly with them] —comes up, and we were both like, "No, man. No. Nooooo."
[audience laughter, as Kristen slumps back in her seat again]
Ellen: No.
Kristen: No, no.
Ellen: No.
Kristen: He kinda like ruined my vibe with JLo.
Ellen: I'm so sorry to hear that.
Kristen: It's all right.
Ellen: Is he a good dancer?
Kristen: He actually is a very good dancer.
Ellen: Is he?
Kristen: Yeah, he's a really, really good dancer. His moves are fantastic. It wasn't that he was a bad dancer; it's just that he— [picture of the couple is projected in the background; audience awwwwws] —awwwww.
Ellen: Awwwww.
Kristen: It's just that, like, we had a thing.
Ellen: Right.
Kristen: Like we had a slumber party thing going on, you know, and then he came in and it was just like, "Oh, and here's my husband."
Ellen: Yeah, but then— [audience laughter; Ellen and Kristen laugh] I know what that's like. [laughter]
* * *
For a very long time, Deeky hated even the sight of Dax Shepard, and I kept telling him that Dax Shepard actually seems very nice and funny, and I would randomly send him pro-Dax propaganda.
The other day, Deeks texted me something Dax Shepard had tweeted, which was very funny...
Me: Lol I told you he's a good egg!!!
Deeks: Lol.
Me: Getting you to send me a Dax Shepard tweet approvingly is my greatest accomplishment, in a lifetime of outstanding achievements.
Deeks: Lol. You're a champion.
Me: He should hire me to do his PR.
Deeks: He should!
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