So, after Roseanne tweeted yet another disgusting disgorgement of racist bile, ABC decided to cancel her show, undoubtedly because advertisers were ringing the phone off the hook and threatening to pull sponsorship from the network altogether. No cookies for ABC, who are merely rectifying their unfathomable decision to revive her show in the first place, given that she's been a rank bigot in public for many years now.
Naturally, conservatives are up in arms, huffing and puffing about censorship and how intolerant "the Left" is for getting Roseanne taken off the air by pointing to her tweet.
They've decided they're totes gonna get us back.
You guys.
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) May 29, 2018
Conservatives think they're going to avenge Roseanne and punish liberals by getting Bill Maher taken off the air.
Oh no. *flails arms limply* Please don't. *falls asleep on couch*
Nobody tell them. Shh.
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