What Do You Hear?

The audio version of the black-and-blue-or-gold-and-white dress is tearing apart the internets! Depending on whether you're old or young, on what speakers you're listening to it, and at what pitch you hear it, you will either hear "Yanny" or "Laurel" when you listen to this recording:

Last night, listening to the same recording on the same speakers, I was 100% Team Yanny. Now all I can hear is Laurel! The only difference is the time of day — which suggests that maybe how "tired" your ears are can make a difference, too.

That said, I also alternatingly saw blue-and-black and gold-and-white on The Dress. I can't account for it. Maybe it's because I'm ambidextrous? I can also "change" the direction of the Spinning Dancer at will, depending on where I look at it.

This shoe, however, always looks turquoise and grey to me. And it always looks pink and white to Iain!

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