Where's Melania?

[Content Note: Domestic violence.]

The last time First Lady Melania Trump made a public appearance was earlier this month, when she introduced her "Be Best" anti-bullying initiative. She then supposedly went into the hospital for a small kidney procedure and hasn't been seen since.

It's now been 18 days.

I've tweeted about this a few times, and the responses are always deeply upsetting. "Who gives a shit" is very common. So is "She's having plastic surgery." Stated with absolute confidence, despite the fact that there is absolutely no way to know this. I'm also getting a lot of assertions that she's in New York, because her Twitter account tags her location there, but it always has; as well as a lot of "the Secret Security confirmed she's in New York," which is not accurate.

So why has Melania not been in public for 18 days, even over a national holiday weekend?

As I said in comments on Friday: I have no idea why Melania has been out of public view for so long. The fact that the White House is clearly lying about why she has been is concerning. The possibility it's because she was harmed makes accurate information urgent.

I can find not a single good thing to say about Melania or her politics. I am unpersuaded by the argument that means I shouldn't care to find out if she's been physically harmed.

So where the fuck is the First Lady?

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