I feel really angry and just profoundly sad. Constantly weepy. Like I'm in mourning. And I guess in a way I am. I am mourning the loss of my country and what looks like the imminent loss of democracy around the world.
I'm not a person who was unaware that the United States had a history — and a present — of harming people under the banners of both of The American Dream and The American Empire.
The reason I am in mourning is not because I believe we're losing something perfect. It's because we're losing, for now and for probably a very long time, even the possibility of meaningful progress toward a more perfect union, to which I and many other people, in different ways and different fields, have dedicated our lives — often because our lives depend on it.
I hope I'm wrong, and I fear that I'm not.
And I am, as always, fucking glad for this community, in this moment. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
How are you?
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