"Won't You Be My Neighbor?" is a deeply special film, and I hope you will see it if you can. pic.twitter.com/5q3AblCTAz
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 25, 2018
And of course we walked out of "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" to a rainbow stretching up into the sky. 🌈 pic.twitter.com/WsS6JMuWOC
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 25, 2018
It was really cool getting to see my husband, who did not grow up in the U.S. and thus didn't "know" Mr. Rogers, get such a lovely introduction to the man who made me want to be a "helper" when I grew up. ❤️
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 25, 2018
Shakers, I confess to you that I started crying about 30 seconds into the film and didn't stop until the very end. For a whole lot of different reasons.
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