Babies jailed in cages edition.
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) June 20, 2018
I have retweeted this tweet with various stark policy differences over the last year, but none so stark as this.
We could have had a president who has dedicated her life to children.
Instead we have a president who has ordered infants to be imprisoned, for the crime of having parents who love them enough to seek out a better life for them.
You're fucking right I still haven't "gotten over" the 2016 election, as I've often been sneeringly accused. Why have the people who treat my grief like a joke? We should all be grieving the fact that rather than a president with profound compassion for children we have instead a president who cares about them only insofar as he can exploit their agony to rally support for his vile agenda.
My grief is as endless as the pain that Donald Trump means to cause.
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