The Collusion Is Right Out in the Open

I have written many, many times that the collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin is right out in the open. It's utterly brazen.

While we wait interminably for Special Counsel Bob Mueller or Congressional investigative committees to find "proof" of collusion, the collusion continues observably, in front of our eyes.

And here again is a perfect example of what I mean:

The reason Russia was expelled from the G7 (then the G8) was because of their aggressive (and illegal) annexation of Crimea.

Now, in the midst of Russian interference in elections around the world, in a clear bid for global destabilization to create a power vacuum that Putin can exploit, Trump wants to overlook Putin having taken Crimea by force and invite him back to the table of world leadership.

Because "we have a world to run," he says.

The collusion is right out in the open. There it is. Take a look.

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