Trump Disinvites Eagles from White House Because He Is a Petty Little Tyrant

The Super Bowl winning Philadelphia Eagles (🏈) were invited to the White House, but Donald Trump rescinded the invitation the day before their scheduled visit, after finding out that fewer than 10 players were going to attend — but, naturally, he blamed the players because they don't share his garbage position that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful.

Zach Berman, Jonathan Tamari, and Les Bowen at the Philly Inquirer report:
"The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow," Trump said in a statement released late Monday. "They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country. The Eagles wanted to send a smaller delegation, but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better."

"These fans are still invited to the White House to be part of a different type of ceremony — one that will honor our great country, pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect it, and loudly and proudly play the National Anthem. I will be there at 3:00 p.m. with the United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus to celebrate America."
He is insufferable. And he is also shaming U.S. citizens for wanting to exercise their right of protest, which is a horrendous thing for the sitting president to do.

Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney released his own statement, which took a rather different tone from Trump's:
"These are players who stand up for the causes they believe in and who contribute in meaningful ways to their community. They represent the diversity of our nation — a nation in which we are free to express our opinions," Kenney said in a statement. "Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a true patriot, but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend."

I take up space in solidarity with the players who want nothing to do with a president who doesn't support their rights or their cause.

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