#365feministselfie: Week 30

I am again participating in the #365feministselfie project, now in its fifth year, and promised a thread for others to share selfies and/or talk about the project, visibility generally, self-apprecation, and related topics. So here is a thread for Week 30!

A few of my selfies over the last two weeks:

image of me from mid-chest up, wearing a Star Wars t-shirt and blue-framed glasses, with my hair down
Just home from a friend's birthday dinner and full of cake!

image of me from the shoulders up, wearing a black top with a lacey bit across the chest, with my hair down and contacts in, with light makeup
Serving up some sophisticated middle-aged goth realness for date night.

That was the night I ended up in the ER, and from there it's been pretty much a series of daily selfies of me lying around with cats piled on top of me, lolsob.

image of me lying on the couch; Sophie the Torbie Cat is lying on top of me with her paw on my cheek
Nurse Sophie, making sure I get some rest, as prescribed.

image of me sitting in a recliner with Olivia the White Farm Cat lying across my neck and chest, looking HUGE

image of me from the shoulders up at a diner; I'm wearing a black and white striped top and grey-framed glasses, and my hair is pulled back into a ponytail
I went outside into the world for the first time in a week,
and it was everything I remembered and more!

Please feel welcome and encouraged to share your own selfies in comments, or share your thoughts on the project, or solicit encouragement or advice, or do whatever else feels best for you to participate, if you are inclined to do so!

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