Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is terrible. Just the absolute worst. A real asshole. Her only qualification for her job is her eminent willingness to destroy the department she's ostensibly tasked with leading. She has horrendous ideas about public education. She is catastrophically compromised by unexamined white privilege, the uniquely breathtaking greed of the obscenely wealthy, zero expertise in the work she is meant to be doing, and an aggressive lack of decency. She is filled with seemingly undiluted malice for students from marginalized populations and survivors of sexual assault and victims of fraud, which makes her unfit for her position — except as it has been reimagined by the Trump Regime, to orchestrate chaos and destruction. I don't like her one bit, and I find her politics abhorrent, and I am disgusted by the fact that she even holds any position in the federal government, no less one with so much power and influence. What a disaster. What a cruel wreck of a person. She never should have been nominated and she never should have been confirmed and she should be removed immediately, for the sake of the nation's children.
On a related note: It's possible to criticize Betsy DeVos without using misogyny.
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