With my apologies, I will be taking today off, too. As you can imagine, it takes a lot to slow me down during such a pivotal political moment.
On Friday night, I ended up in the ER with what they think are cluster headaches. I was given a "migraine cocktail" of meds to see if that would help. It didn't — and I had a bad reaction to one or more of the drugs in the cocktail. So I've been in bed for most of the last three days, and I will probably spent most of today in bed, too.
The headaches persist (I've got to follow up with a neurologist for those), but I'm definitely starting to feel better regarding the drug reaction. I will be back as soon as I'm able.
In the meantime, fuck everyone who abetted Donald Trump in any way. And keep your eyes on Mike Pence. I have a feeling the snake is about to strike.
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