There is so much news, so much bad news, about the Trump Regime every day. Keeping on top of all of it is genuinely impossible. Keeping up with as much of it as any one human being can makes every day feel like a week, and every week feel like a month, and every month feel like a fucking eternity of the depths of hell.
Because I try to keep all the dots connected for readers, with links back to earlier items which are part of the same narrative, I'm always hunting for things I wrote previously. In the Trump era, I constantly go looking for some story I covered a month or so ago, only to discover once I find it that it was actually just a week earlier.
There are times I think: "I wrote about that last week" — and it turns out it was two days previous.
I've lost all sense of time, because my brain is utterly overwhelmed.
There's no tidy conclusion to this, or any larger point. I have just had this conversation with other people a number of times lately, so I wanted to document it here, in case it feels validating for you.
If it feels familiar, you're not alone.
And making sure people in this space don't feel alone right now is important to me.
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