I just finished season 2 of GLOW, and I loved it so much! I will repeat what I wrote last July, when I started the first season: "Anyone else watching GLOW on Netflix? IF NOT, YOU SHOULD BE, BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING. It's a series about the 1980's phenomenon 'Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling,' and it is: 1. A show with so many women omg!!! and 2. Absolute 80's perfection."
The show itself is not perfection — the storylines with the dudes are...not great. I have never liked Marc Maron, and I don't especially like him here, and I really don't enjoy his character and story arc, in particular.
But I came for the women, and I stayed for the women, and, if there is a season 3 you-know-where, I will keep coming back for the women.
Anyway! What are you watching these days?
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