Last week, chair of AMI (and personal friend of Trump) David Pecker received immunity as part of a deal with federal investigators working on the Michael Cohen probe.
Sajudin has subsequently been released from his contract with AMI. Sonia Moghe at CNN reports:
On Friday, Marc Held...said his client had been released from his contract with AMI, the parent company of the National Enquirer, "recently" after back-and-forth discussions with AMI.Sajudin is the only person publicly known to be telling this story. Even if it is true, its veracity cannot be established without the participation of someone involved — and there's no indication that any of the people involved are inclined to disclose verifiable information.
..."Mr. Sajudin has been unable to discuss the circumstances regarding his deal with American Media Inc. and the story that he sold to them, due to a significant financial penalty," Held told CNN. "Just recently, AMI released Mr. Sajudin from the terms of his agreement and he is now able to speak about his personal experience with them, as well as his story, which is now known to be one of the 'catch and kill' pieces. Mr. Sajudin hopes the truth will come out in the very near future."
Further, there's nothing to suggest anything criminal transpired; only something unethical. Which means that law enforcement has no reason to investigate, and it's very unlikely that Trump's supporters, who either ignore or openly champion all of the rest of his unethical behavior, would change their opinion of him if this story were verified and made public.
If anything, it would feed Trump's martyr complex and make him an even greater victim — of the press and of his opponents — in their estimation.
There's zero benefit to pursuing this story, and there's the potential to expose and endanger a child by pursuing it. So, frankly, I hope Sajudin continues to keep his mouth shut and the press just leaves it alone.
There is, after all, no shortage of garbage worth investigating about Donald Trump, most of it with far higher stakes for all of us.
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