Federal investigators believe former Trump attorney Michael Cohen "committed bank and tax fraud" and "have zeroed in on well over $20 million in loans obtained by taxi businesses that he and his family own" — and, by way of reminder, Cohen's taxu business partner, Evgeny Freidman, is a Russian immigrant who is cooperating with Bob Mueller's investigation, and maybe all of this will matter someday.
[Content Note: White supremacy] A Trump speechwriter has been fired for having spoken at a "white nationalist" conference two years ago, and, let's be honest, it's only because John Kelly wanted to avoid the bad press about it, not because there are any anti-racist principles governing any decisions in Trump's White House.
Rudy Giuliani is out there still telling blatant lies about the Trump campaign and collusion with Russia, in his continuing campaign to obfuscate the truth and make sure we're talking about how Giuliani's a liar and not the collusion and corruption about which he's lying.
And the Trump Regime and Congressional Republicans continue to reshape the judiciary with great haste, eradicating as quickly as possible the last bastion of checks and balances as they consolidate power.
So here is a video of a puppy doing a somersault.
[A Great Dane puppy playing on its bed does a somersault.]
And thus the week begins.
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