This list o' links brought to you by Greek yogurt.
Recommended Reading:
Beth Elderkin at io9: N.K Jemisin Makes Hugo Awards History with Latest Best Novel Win
Alicia Kay with Tarana Burke at Ms.: [Content Note: Rape culture] Tarana Burke Is Taking the #MeToo Movement Back to School
Stephen Burgen at the Guardian: Fears for Environment in Spain as Pigs Outnumber People
Josie Totah at Time: My Name Is Josie Totah — and I'm Ready to Be Free
Kayleigh Donaldson at Pajiba: [CN: Fat hatred; appropriation] No, Debby Ryan, the Fat Suit in Insatiable Is Not Okay
Katie Kilkenny at the Hollywood Reporter: [CN: Sexual harassment; misogyny] Rosamund Pike Was Asked to Strip for Die Another Day Audition
Charline Jao at the Mary Sue: [CN: References to misogynist objectification] "Fuck That Guy": Michael Shannon, King of Movie Villains, Will Never Play Donald Trump
Julie Muncy at io9: Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder Might Be Married, and It's All Dracula's Fault
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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