"If standing up for women who have been wronged makes George Soros mad, that's on him. But I won't hesitate to always do what I think is right. For nearly a year, we have seen countless acts of courage as women and men have spoken hard truths about sexual assault and sexual harassment and demanded accountability. I stand with them in this new watershed moment of important change in our society on what we deem as acceptable. It is clear that we must put our morals and the valuing of women ahead of party loyalty." — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, quoted by Amanda Terkel at the Huffington Post, in her terrific but infuriating piece, "Kirsten Gillibrand Pays the Price for Speaking out Against Al Franken."
Relatedly, my pal Dianna E. Anderson, who is a Minnesotan, published a great Twitter thread on this subject: "What this is, really, is a lot of people grasping for a reason to justify their misogyny. Plain and simple."
Indeed. What a depressingly familiar refrain.
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