"In my opinion, email voting is the most dangerous form of voting. ...It's like attaching a $100 bill to a postcard and mailing it and expecting it to get there." — David Jefferson, "a computer scientist at California's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and former board chairman of both the California Voter Foundation and Verified Voting, nonpartisan groups that promote secure and transparent election technology."
Jefferson is quoted in a piece at McClatchy by Tim Johnson, Greg Gordon, and Christine Condon, on the endemic insecurity of email voting and the refusal of multiple states to abide recommendations against email ballots by cybersecurity experts: "Top computer researchers gave a startling presentation recently about how to intercept and switch votes on emailed ballots, but officials in the 30 or so states said the ease with which votes could be changed wouldn't alter their plans to continue offering electronic voting in some fashion. ...'Anyone who controls a router can change a ballot,' Jefferson said."
I continue to be very worried about the midterms.
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