"I just ask you to go out and make sure all of your people vote. Because if they don't — it's Nov. 6 — if they don't vote we're going to have a miserable two years and we're going to have, frankly, a very hard period of time because then it just gets to be one election — you're one election away from losing everything you've got." — Donald Trump, speaking to a group of about 100 evangelical ministers in the White House State Dining Room last night.
Just to be clear: That's the president suggesting that if Democrats win back a Congressional majority and the presidency, they'll take away "everything" that conservatives have. The same president behind whom the Republican Party is consolidating power so that they can literally strip rights, liberties, autonomy, agency, dignity, and consent from marginalized people.
As I noted on Twitter: We know that Trump routinely speaks in obvious projection. Reading this through that lens is chilling. It should, however, hardly be surprising at this point.
NB: This is also Trump setting the stage for explaining unexpected wins in the midterms. He told evangelical leaders to get out the vote and they delivered! Pay no attention to the foreign interference behind the curtain.
I remain very concerned about the integrity of the midterm election.
[H/T to Eastsidekate.]
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