Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.
Today, I'm going to give a big ol' thumbs-up to the Flexible Plastic Cutting Board Mats Set!
This set is one of my favorite kitchen thingies is right now, all for the price of $5.45.
I make salads for dinner virtually every night, so I'm constantly chopping at dinnertime. Plus, I prepare and eat my breakfast and lunch at home, too, which means I might chop at more than one meal every day.
Because there's only two of us, we don't fill up the dishwasher daily, so I was having to wash my cutting board at least once a day and sometimes more. But now I can have one (or more) in the dishwasher and still have a clean one, and it makes me so ridiculously happy, lol.
It's just a nice little convenience for me, but may be especially useful for people who have to be extremely mindful while preparing meals for folks with food allergies and need multiple cutting boards at once, so I thought it might be worth passing along.
Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!
[Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with companies or products recommended in this series, nor am I receiving any form of payment from them. Anything I share here is just because I like it!]
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