Trump Starts the Day by Expressing Contempt for the Rule of Law — Again

Again, Donald Trump tries to suggest that the intelligence community was somehow in the pocket of Hillary Clinton, despite the fact that former FBI Director James Comey made an incomprehensible decision 11 days before the election that critically hurt Clinton.

Again, Trump accuses Clinton of having broken the law, despite the fact that she has been aggressively investigated by the FBI, Congress, and the press over her use of a private email server and found to have done nothing illegal or even unethical.

Again, Trump complains about the Attorney General that he chose, because he is furious that Sessions was publicly shamed into at least the appearance of compliance with the law, instead of exploiting his position to shield Trump from accountability.

Again, Trump expresses contempt for the rule of law and an expectation that he be considered above the law.

All of this, in one tweet, before the day has even truly begun.

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