What Did I Just Read?

[Content Note: Moving GIF at link] Ben Smith at BuzzFeed: I Helped Create Insider Political Journalism. Now It's Time for It to Go Away.

Let me just say as a person whose life was turned upside-down for awhile partially as a result of the hot-take fast-take who-cares insider political journalism of the aughts, there was never a time when it should have existed.


If you can't view the image embedded in the tweet, it's a screenshot of the final two paragraphs of the piece, which read:
And yet, perhaps there's reason to be nostalgic for that amoral, tactical coverage of American politics. When I spoke the other day to one of the key figures of the old school, who declined to be quoted by name, he sounded a little wistful:

"You almost long for the days when it was a game."
Following my tweet, Eastsidekate and I had the following exchange (which I'm sharing with her permission):

It must be tough to have a case of the sads about Donald Trump making it so obvious that your immorality has consequences.

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