Matt Zapotosky at the Washington Post reports:
A juror in the trial of Paul Manafort said Wednesday that all but one of the jurors wanted to convict [Donald] Trump's former campaign chairman on every charge he faced — though she criticized special counsel prosecutors as seeming "bored" throughout the trial and said she believed their true motive was to "get the dirt on Trump."I want to know why.
The juror, who spoke on the record to Fox News and gave her name as Paula Duncan, said jurors "again and again" laid out for the lone holdout the evidence that persuaded them Manafort was guilty. But the holdout, a [woman], said she harbored reasonable doubt, Duncan said.
"The evidence was overwhelming," Duncan said, pointing to prosecutors' extensive paper trail. "I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty, but he was, and no one's above the law."
..."We all tried to convince her to look at the paper trail. We laid it out in front of her, again and again, and she still said that she had a reasonable doubt, and that's the way the jury worked," Duncan said. "We didn't want it to be hung, so we tried for an extended period of time to convince her, but in the end, she held out."
It seems very unlikely to me that it was really because she had reasonable doubt, as opposed to using reasonable doubt as the explanation for her refusal to convict.
If that is indeed the case, was it because she had a personal political motivation (and refused to set it aside, as Duncan did)? It's not tough to imagine Trump's oft-expressed contempt for the rule of law trickling down into courtrooms when his most fervent supporters are seated on juries.
Or was she a target of jury tampering, bribed or intimidated into preventing convictions on some of the charges? It's not outwith the realm of possibility that Manafort's powerful allies would conspire to buy or threaten a juror.
I'm not expecting that we ever will know the real reason, but I am asking the question all the same because it needs to be asked. Why?
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