A Tale of Two Senators

[Content Note: Rape culture.]

Christine Blasey Ford has requested an FBI investigation of her allegation against Brett Kavanaugh before she gives testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is a calculated move, and a smart one.

The Republican majority on the Judiciary Committee offered to hold a quickie hearing on Monday. It was an obvious bid to give the most technical appearance of caring about her allegation while also sweeping it under the rug as swiftly as possible before confirming Kavanaugh. Ford has now complicated that cynical strategy, even as her life has been turned absolutely upside down by coming forward.

She has more integrity and bravery than the entire lot of fucking traitorous cowards in the Republican Party.

Naturally, the Democrats are standing with Ford, while the Republicans continue to be disgusting ghouls.

The stark difference between the Democratic response and the Republican response could not be more perfectly encapsulated than in the juxtaposition between the words of Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono.

Lindsey Graham: "This has been a drive-by shooting when it comes to Kavanaugh. ...I'll listen to the lady, but we're going to bring this to a close."

Mazie Hirono: "I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change. Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed. We cannot continue the victimization and the smearing of someone like Dr. Ford. We have to create an environment where women can come forward and be heard and be listened to. I want to thank Dr. Ford. I commend her courage. I believe her."

I believe her, too.

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