I am tired about having to write about men who abuse women. I am tired of having to think about them, and listen to them speak, and transcribe their words, and look at their sinister fucking faces. My body just aches all the time now, and I know that part of it is because I'm sat in their filth all day, every day.
I remain stressed the fuck out about a future I have dedicated my life to preventing that now feels inexorable.
I'm also grateful to be looking forward to a visit with an old friend, whom I have known so long that we can be fully present and vulnerable together, our best and worst selves, without judgment, because we have seen it all and still love each other mightily. To be so known and yet so loved is a profound comfort.
And I am, as always, glad for this community, in this moment. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
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