Listen, the news is tough, and we all need moments of escape from the horror to recuperate and prepare for the next onslaught, and I can talk about shoes all the livelong day, so welcome to the OMG SHOEZ thread.

Got a favorite pair of shoes you want to share? Bought a new pair about which you're super excited? Have a recommendation to make, or want to caution us away from a purchase you regret? Want to solicit suggestions for a specific event, a foot issue, an elusive something for which you've been hunting? Having trouble finding something particular on a budget? Have at it in comments!

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image of my legs from the knees down, clad in blue jeans, and my feet in white loafers featuring a colorful pattern on the top of the foot
Trotters' Jenkins Slip-On in White Multi.

I'm really into flat loafers at the moment, and I managed to snag these on sale at for $41 (originally $100). I totally love them and recommend them, with the note that they are a little narrow. I usually wear a medium width, and these are a bit snugger than I prefer. If your foot tends to be on the cusp of medium and wide width, I'd recommend going for the wide.

I did some walking around in them yesterday, and I was very happy every time I got a glimpse of my rainbow feets!

So, that's what up with me! What's up with you?

(As always: I am not affiliated with Trotters in any way, nor have I received anything in exchange for recommending their shoes. I just really like 'em! I'm also not affiliated in any way with nor receiving compensation from

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