Dear Members of the Political Press Who Should Definitely Know Better by Now:
1. Both sides are not the same. Please stop pretending that they are. This is a dangerous game. It's been a dangerous game you've been playing for many years, which is one of the significant reasons we've landed on the precipice on which we currently find our democracy precariously perched. To downplay the eliminationism of the right under the auspices of maintaining "objectivity" is not objective at all — it has been and continues to be a profoundly dishonest misrepresentation of reality.
2. Donald Trump is very serious about his vile nativist agenda. Please stop pretending that he isn't. He entered politics with an aggressive and relentless birther campaign against President Obama, and he has consistently engaged in rank nativism ever since. He's fucking serious.
3. This is not a normal presidency. Please get the fuck on board with that fact already. We're two years in, and Trump has repeatedly demonstrated he has zero desire to be constrained by the rule of law. Just because something is not legal — overriding a Constitutional amendment with an executive order, say — doesn't mean that Trump isn't going to try it. Stop pretending that "it's not legal" matters to this president and his party. The whole reason that Mitch McConnell held open 100+ federal court seats plus a SCOTUS seat for the next GOP president is so the laws won't have to matter for Republicans anymore.
This is not a complete list of shit you need to fix tout de suite, but it's what is on my mind this morning.
Sincerely and urgently,
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