[Content Note: Nativism; border militarization.]
"If Mattis does not believe the migrants are a threat that warrants tasking 5,000 active troops to the border, he should say so and resign. If he does believe it, he should explain why, in detail before Congress, immediately. If Republicans in Congress won't put Mattis in the witness chair, he should walk to the Pentagon briefing room and do it himself. The Department of Defense's active participation in such an obvious stunt sets a dangerous precedent and abuse of our military." — Kelly Magsamen, Vice President for National Security and International Policy at the Center for American Progress and former senior official in the U.S. Department of Defense and on the National Security Staff of both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, in a piece at Defense One bluntly headlined "Secretary Mattis, Defend This or Resign."
A pointed reminder that Donald Trump isn't critically subverting our democracy into a fascist state on his own. He's got lots of help.
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