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I forgot to post the recipe for last week's stew, which turned out to be super tasty! Y'all know I'm awful at recipes, but here goes...
Cubed veal
One half white onion, large cut
Two diced stalks of celery
Chopped potatoes (I used a bunch of small purples, reds, and yellows)
8 oz unsalted chicken stock
1-2 tablespoons of low sodium crumbled bacon
Olive oil
Herbs de Provence
Black pepper
Heat about two tablespoons of olive oil on medium until hot. Coat the veal in flour. (I put about a quarter cup of flour into a ziploc bag, along with a very little salt and a hefty dose of pepper, then added in the veal, sealed it, and shook it.) Dump the coated veal into the pan and lightly saute. Remove from heat and put into crockpot. Saute onions in same pan until they're just turning brown. Remove from heat and put into crockpot.
Add the celery, potatoes, bacon, and herbs. Stir. Cover with stock. Let cook on low for 6-8 hours.
Best consumed with crusty bread and butter!
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