This list o' links brought to you by music.
Recommended Reading:
Lily Rothman with Donna Drucker at Time: [Content Note: Fight for bodily autonomy; video may autoplay at link] What to Know About the Surprising Modern History of Contraception
Sue Kerr at the Pittsburgh Current: [CN: Homophobia; harassment and threats; misogyny; fat hatred; disablism] Run Over by a Chick-Fil-A Controversy
Ragen Chastain at Dances with Fat: [CN: Body policing] I'm Not Fingernails, But I Am Fat
Dave Gershgorn at Quartz: [CN: Misogyny] Amazon's "Holy Grail" Recruiting Tool Was Actually Just Biased Against Women
Lisa Butterworth at Bust: Busy Philipps Discusses Her #MeToo Experience and Her Mission to Take Down the Patriarchy
Jason Sperber at the Nerds of Color: Andi Mack, Children's Television, and a Future in Full Color
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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