What I'm Listening To

A thread for sharing what we're currently listening to: Music, podcasts, audiobooks, whatever.

Once-frequent guest blogger and sharer of election terrors BrianWS, who still may or may not become a full-time contributor someday because you just never know I mean this world is getting wackier by the day and stranger things happen all the time, texted me a couple of months ago and asked if I would be up for a hang-out day that culminated in seeing his current superfave Amy Shark in concert, to which I obviously screamed yes.

So, yesterday, BrianWS flew in to Philly, and I met him for an afternoon of talking about ALL THE THINGS, and then Iain joined us for dinner and drinks and the show, which was amazing.

And now I'm listening to Amy Shark. Who, by the way, was just nominated for 9 ARIA Awards yesterday! Woot!

[Lyrics here.]

What are you listening to these days?

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