Cohen Reaches New Plea Deal with Mueller

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos reports this morning: "Michael Cohen, [Donald] Trump's former personal attorney, reaches new plea deal with Mueller this morning. Expected to enter guilty plea for false statements to Congress coupled with dozens of hours of testimony potentially damaging to [Donald] Trump — Special Counsel values testimony."


It's good that Michael Cohen is being held accountable for his lying, if not for his despicable service to the traitorous Donald Trump, whose interpersonal and political abuses Cohen abetted for years.

At least it's something.

Which is what I feel like I keep saying each time one of these dudes strikes a deal with Mueller — Papadopoulos, Manafort, Cohen. At least it's something.

But it's never enough.

Considering the reverberating vastness of their crimes, I don't even know what would be.

Anyway. Between Manafort, who's due back in court tomorrow for breaching his plea deal, and Cohen, who's about to enter a guilty plea, it's pretty clear that Mueller has caught all of them, including Trump himself, in a number of lies. Will that have eventual consequences, even if inadequate ones, for Trump, too? I sure hope so.

Trump, for his part, retweeted an image of his "enemies" in prison with text reading: "Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?" Included among his imprisoned "enemies" in the image is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. In case the tweet is removed, here is the image that Trump retweeted:

image as described above

When the New York Post asked Trump why he believes Rosenstein belongs in prison, Trump replied: "He should have never picked a Special Counsel."


Meanwhile, as Mueller's investigation into Russian collusion has now resulted in Trump's personal attorney pleading guilty, the Kremlin is giving Trump his marching orders in public, announcing that Trump and Putin will meet one-on-one at the G-20 summit, privately, for at least two hours.

The collusion has always been, and continues to be, right out in the open.

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