David J. Lynch and Taylor Telford at the Washington Post: GM Layoffs and Plant Shutdowns Suggest U.S. Economy May Be Starting to Slow — and Dent Trump's Claim of an Industrial Renaissance.
But, of course, Trump never gave two shits about working people, still doesn't, and never will.
His only use for working people is seat-fillers at his Make America Clap for Me Again rallies — and if his team replaced actual humans with scarecrows in MAGA hats stuffed with speakers that delivered applause and "Lock her up!" chants in the right places, he wouldn't even notice.
If his wretched failures even manage to penetrate the protective bubble built out of sycophancy and Fox News chyrons in which he resides, he'll surely rail on Twitter about how it's somehow the Democrats' fault.
Which, you know, it isn't. The line from Trump's own policies to this garbage economy for working people is clear. Just ask farmers.
The number of farms filing for bankruptcy is increasing across the Upper Midwest, following low prices for corn, soybeans, milk, and beef, according to a new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.The AP helpfully keeps Donald Trump's name out of their story altogether, because why blame the president for something that is entirely his fault? Cough.
The analysis found that 84 farms filed for bankruptcy in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana in the 12 months that ended in June. That's more than double the number over the same period in 2013 and 2014.
"Current price levels and the trajectory of the current trends suggest that this trend has not yet seen a peak," said Ron Wirtz, an analyst at the Minneapolis Fed.
The increase in Chapter 12 filings reflect low prices for corn, soybeans, milk, and beef, The Star Tribune reported. The situation has gotten worse for farmers since June because of the retaliatory tariffs that have closed the Chinese market for soybeans and held back exports of milk and beef.
But we all know where lies the responsibility for this "restored greatness" that's costing working people their livelihoods.
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