Today in Misogyny Dressed Up as Revolution

I've really just about had it with the "anti-establishment" Dems, by all the different names they go.

In particular, this juxtaposition is doing my head in today:

1. NBC News' Frank Thorp V reports on Twitter: "Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has been re-elected to be Senate Minority Leader by acclamation, per a source familiar."

2. Bo Erickson and Rebecca Kaplan at CBS News: Anti-Pelosi Democrats Confident They Can Keep Her from Becoming House Speaker Again. Of course.

My favorite (cough) line from that article: "The group isn't backing or putting forward an alternative to Pelosi; their sole aim is to ensure she's not elected speaker."


During a conversation with the other mods about the "anti-establishment" Dems yesterday, I said: "If you're going to 'tear down the establishment,' you'd better be prepared to build and lead its replacement. These fucking dipshits are clearly unprepared to do either."

Proving me right, over and over.

Also pissing me off is this headline at Talking Points Memo: Pelosi Launches Speakership Charm Offensive, Schmoozes Members-Elect.

How to make BEING A TALENTED AND EFFECTIVE POLITICIAN sound like being a shitty con artist instead. Thanks a heapload, TPM.

Men are savvy politicians playing 12-dimensional chess. Old (experienced) women are shady, inauthentic creeps who must be stopped. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

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