Trump Is a Cruel, Traitorous Disgrace

Donald Trump was in Europe the past couple of days, behaving like an absolute nightmare, the puppet of Vladimir Putin that he has always claimed not to be.

With Trump standing nearby, French President Emmanuel Macron gave an Armistice Day speech about the threat of rising nationalism that would have shamed Trump, if he had any shame. Back home, Democrats who are now empowered to investigate Trump took notice, e.g. Rep. Adam Schiff.

Meanwhile, Trump was multitasking as a despicable shit to his people back home, tweeting out blame at forest management for the devastating forest fires, which have claimed dozens of lives.

And now that he's home, he's back on Twitter, ranting about how our European allies are unfair to the United States.

I don't know what there is to be said that hasn't already been said a thousand times before. Donald Trump is a cruel, traitorous disgrace.

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