I am freaked out by a lot of the news today (and every day, but today seems especially bad), and I am glad to have smart and decent people with whom to process this stuff, publicly and privately.
I am completely annoyed with my garbage collection company, which keeps changing days for our pickups and overcharging us, and I'm pissed that we don't have a better option, because privatization of public services doesn't give companies any incentive to do well or retain customers; they're content just being trash (pun intended) and passing around disgruntled customers all of whom get equally shitty service no matter where they go, and meanwhile being a garbage collector, which used to be a good municipal job with benefits and a pension that paid a liveable wage, is now just another crappy job where workers are exploited, overworked, and underpaid.
I'm very frustrated with the hospital at which I've had to get a bunch of medical tests this year, which sends me bills but can't locate my record in their system to allow me to pay those bills, and yet threatens to send me to collections even though I am trying to pay my goddamn bills and it's their fault that I can't.
I continue to loathe the Trump Regime with the fiery power of ten thousand suns.
I am grateful for my husband, for our home, for my friends, for all the times they make me laugh, and for Sophie, Dudley, and Zelda.
I am also, as always, glad for this community. Anyone who wants to join me in another enormous virtual group hug is welcome.
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