Arlette Saenz at CNN: Joe Biden Believes He Is the 'Most Qualified Person in the Country to Be President'.
First of all, no. He's not. But let's all take a moment to appreciate that his claim is yet another passive-aggressive swipe at Hillary Clinton, which he's been taking ever since she didn't win for reasons he will never even mention because that would mean he might have to take some responsibility as a person who was vice-president while a foreign adversary stole our fucking election.
Secondly, oh my god:
The moderator, Bruce Feiler, pointed out some of the potential liabilities of a Biden campaign, saying "He's too old. He signed, he cosponsored the crime bill. He was the chairman of the judiciary committee during the Anita Hill hearings, and he's out of touch in the era of Me Too. $1.5 million ain't gonna cut it anymore, you need $100 million. Who wants to wake up at 6 a.m. for the next two years and get insults from the President of the United States?...You're a gaffe machine. I could go on. Which of these scares you the most?"He's ready to relitigate his shameful performance during the Clarence Thomas nomination? OH I DON'T THINK HE IS.
"None of them," Biden said before moving on to defend some of those potential liabilities.
"I am a gaffe machine, but my god what a wonderful thing compared to a guy who can't tell the truth," he said. "I'm ready to litigate all those things; the question is what kind of nation are we becoming? What are we going to do? Who are we?"
And the fact that he just blows that off like it's NBD is argument numero uno for why he's not the most qualified person in the country to be president.
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